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Jump Stretches & Drills


Hold for Min 15 seconds with back leg down, then min of 15 seconds back leg up

Do 4 sets of 10 on each leg

Total of 40 lifts each side

Hold legs up for 4 counts and then hold straddle for 4 counts. Do a total of 4 8counts

Snap legs up on 1 and back down on 2. Do a total of 10 8counts

Support lower back, squeeze core, make body straight up and down. Toes snap to floor 1 back up on 2. Do a total of 4 8counts

Same reps and concept as T Kicks but in hurdler position. Recommend putting band on ankles for back kicks

Push against wall. Kick up fast, let swing down naturally. Total of 20 on each leg

Same reps and concept as T Kicks but in hurdler position. Recommend putting band on ankles for back kicks

Arms must stay in T. Kick up on 1 snap feet together on 2. 5 8counts on each leg

Arms in T. Kick up 1 snap down 2 continue for 8 count. Do 2 8 counts on each leg

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