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Flyer Stretches

First start with our normal stretching warm up. Below are links to Debbie Love's stretching videos. This stretching routine is done daily and should take about 20 minutes to complete.

Daily Routine

1. Normal Stretch Routine


2. Debbie Love Stretches


3. Door Frame Stretch


4. Body Positions - hold 4 counts

  • Lib

  • Heel Stretch

  • Bow

  • Arabesque

  • Scale

  • Needle/Scorpian



-each step is done on both sides-


PSVC Flyer Expectations



post stretching video (1 long video or separate ones of steps 2-4)​





Every Friday:


post body position photos (2 photo collages)

  • Lib, stretch, bow, aero, scale, needle

  • Both sides

- Foot/Heel always against frame


- Hold each leg 30 seconds


-After 10 seconds push harder against wall for deeper stretch

Practice Safe Stretching:

BREATHE: NEVER hold your breathe while stretching. Breathe IN through the NOSE & OUT

through the MOUTH. Expand/Push your stretch deeper on your EXHALE.  



FREEZE AND HOLD: Do not bounce when holding a stretch! Bouncing can cause a tear to

muscle. Stretch to your maximum, hold for at least 5 seconds then try to push a little further

while holding for an additional 5 seconds.



ASSISTED STRETCHES: Partner should gently and slowly guide leg/body to stretch and then back down to neutral or standing position. Moving up to a stretch too quickly or letting a leg or arm snap down after a deep stretch can snap or tear a muscle. 


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